HEY, how how your doing today my name is Aziz Tody. i am 13 years old all most 14.
i was born October 29, 1995, in west Africa , in this country called GHANA.
am the oldest child in my family, i have 3 sibling, two sister and one baby brother.
he is just 4 months old. his name is ISAIAH.
one of my sister is 10 year old, her name is Patten, and she is next to me. she were born 1998, December 2.
and my other sister is called Brenda, and she is next to patten, she 8 year old. she were born 2000 October 20.we were born in the same month but her is 9 days before my.
my mom name is Olivia Solo, and my dad name is Isaac Tody.
i know all this don't really have to do with anything about a war or my topic for this blog, but i just wanted to tell you out there that is reading this right now little about myself.before we start the different stories i will tell.
i decide to do this , about three weeks a go but i was thinking about what to talk about on it,
and what to called it. but i had no idea, so i started talking to some friends about it.
they like it, and they were willing to help me, if i needed anything.
so i told them i have never start up a blog before, or even know the first step in making
one.and even if i do i didn't know what it should be about.
after i told my friends about it of one of my friend Ian said he knew how to make a blog, and he could help me if i knew what i want the blog to be about.
he will help me setting it up and teach me how to work on it., and all that.
so i said OK that day, when i came home ,i was thinking about that whole day, what the blog should be about, and what should be on it? so i decide to give it all to GOD, in prayers.
about three days or four days later. i was watching CNN new on TV, that morning or evening i don't really remember what time was it that day, but on the new they were talk about this war that were going on in NIGERIA, and how people were getting hurt, and some were getting kill. when i hear that, that day i felt so bad.i was think about those people that were kill and those that got hurt, and all those children that lose their family and friend,and homes. so i decided to make my blog i was thinking about making, something about wars around the world.to let my reader know that war are real and they going on in country around us every day and night. example my country Liberia it had war for about 15 or more years,that why most Liberian move to Ghana including my family. Ghana had their war, too, but theirs were like back then in the days.so it were kind of save to live there,and it wasn't far from Liberia , so most people ran there cause it was easy to get to and to started over and make a new life.
i will stop right here for now but i will got back soon.
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